John Bruggen – Clydesdale Frames Co – (Part 2)
This is part two of the great conversation with John Bruggen. We actually get to where he cut off fingers in this episode.He also shares some humorous times with his crew.Listen to part one, then come back and listen to this episode. The whole conversation with John was informative and entertaining. View Episode Page
John Bruggen – Clydesdale Frames Co – (Part 1)
John Bruggen builds Timber Frames. Located in Kansas, John has built frames in a number of states surrounding.John Bruggen is quite the story teller, and we went so long that I broke this up into two parts. We discuss the timber framing process, the business, work life balance and the importance of safety. Yes, John cut off a few fingers. View Episode Page
Adam Drewes – Drewes Concrete
Adam Drewes chats with John Chapman on this episode of the Blue Collar Voices Show about some of his experiences as a business owner, in the area of concrete work. Adam specializes in flat concrete, stamped concrete and dabbles in Nuclear Shelters. View Episode Page
Relaunch Aug 2022 – Blue Collar Voices
After a very, very long hiatus, the show is rolling again. The initial interruption was a move, covid, time and Internet access challenges which lead to a lull for a while, which in turn lead to a lack of priority juxtaposed with other things going on in my life. Of course, it was all MY decisions that lead to the lull. However, I am back. I've made a few minor changes to the show, formulated a game plan to promote this show, and just do a much better job. The show originally was an experiment, and I've realized as I… View Episode Page
Chade Turner – Turner Painting
Chade Turner, who runs Turner Painting is the guest on this episode of the Blue Collar Voices show. After talking with Chade, it is quite apparent that Gratitude, Passion, Character and Community are more important to him than anything else. At least, that is MY take. Chade LOVES to paint, and he is very, very passionate about painting. And he is successful. And gets some really interesting projects from time to time. Watching his work as he displays it online, it is very clear that this is a man that cares, and is METICULOUS! Chade didn't escape unscathed, problem free… View Episode Page
Patrick Holehan – Custom Rifles
In today's show we are talking with Patrick Holehan. Pat has been a practicing gunsmith for a LOOOOOONG time. His love affair with guns started as a young child. He completed 3 years of college education in gunsmithing - 2-year standard course, 3rd year more advanced. From there, he worked a few different jobs learning and refining - and then circumstances arose where he had to make a choice. Pats choice? Working for himself, and he wouldn't have it any other way. The custom rifles created by Pat are from his own portfolio, with limited deviations within. His work is… View Episode Page
Lorraine Woodwark – Director of AUSA
Lorraine Woodwark is passionate about immigration reform, the constitution, and the rights of Americans. Lorraine talks on the Blue Collar Voices Show to explain how Illegal "immigration" is detrimental to American workers, wages, and of course the impact on the Blue Collar workforce. We discuss her personal experiences (Lorraine immigrated to the USA herself - legally), events she has observed, her perspective on the US Constitution, and the Constitution of each State. Lorraine is the director of "Attorneys United for a Secure America", and is an expert in this topic of conversation. This episode isn't "Blue Collar" per se, but… View Episode Page
Zdenek Ulman – Marine Diving Service
Zdenek Ulman is a diver. He runs a successful diving business up in New York City area. Before that, he started and ran a successful construction company. Before THAT, he didn't even live here in the US. He came to visit only, and then spent 15 years as an illegal alien - while starting and running a successful construction company. Zdenek is a great example of Blue Collar success. Tenacity. Hard work. Craftsmanship. Job Quality. Pushing your body to perform. In this episode, Z (that's his nickname) talks about coming to America, starting a business (then a second, then a… View Episode Page
Matt Radford – Husband, Father, Roofing Consultant
Matt Radford is a roofer. He's worked as a roofer, he's owned his own business as a roofer, and now he is a roofing consultant. He like many of us, has had challenges and been beat around a bit by life. But he kept getting back up. Matt started out stacking the refuse in the dumpster on the jobsite, and has worked hard ever since. Matt and I connected on LinkedIn, I really don't remember how right now, but he messaged me about being on the podcast. After vetting him, he seemed like a good fit for the show. We… View Episode Page
Steve Pellegrino – Pellegrino Cutlery
Steve Pellegrino is a knifemaker. His skill set is way more diverse, but he is definitely a consummate, and passionate, knife maker. His specialty is Cutlery, which is being used by homemakers to Gourmet Chefs. I was searching online specifically for Knife Makers, and I came across Steve. I messaged Steve, and he was absolutely up for being on the Blue Collar Voices show. Steve works out of a shop in Pennsylvania, always working to improve the quality of his knives and expand his knowledge of his craft. We talked a bit about how he got started, what he does… View Episode Page