After a very, very long hiatus, the show is rolling again. The initial interruption was a move, covid, time and Internet access challenges which lead to a lull for a while, which in turn lead to a lack of priority juxtaposed with other things going on in my life. Of course, it was all MY decisions that lead to the lull.
However, I am back.
I’ve made a few minor changes to the show, formulated a game plan to promote this show, and just do a much better job. The show originally was an experiment, and I’ve realized as I continue to always evaluate my life that this show MUST, MUST, MUST be a part of my life. Otherwise, I will feel like I am not achieving a very important part of what I absolutely need to do to feel, in a word, “correct”.
I’m not sure how often an episode will come out. The frequency of shows dropping will depend significantly on the number of great candidates I find for guests, and if those candidates are up for a recording session. I have a significant list of people that have agreed to be a guest, now just need to get all these outstanding people ‘quote” on tape ‘end quote”.
To stay updated, visit and subscribe to the mailing list to get notified of new episodes.
I’m pretty excited to move forwards, and I am grateful to have each and every one of you that listen and share.
I welcome feedback, so please email me!
I’ve got two guests recorded at this moment, and I am of course looking for more.
The very next show is with Adam Drewes, who operates a concrete company.
The show after that is with John Van Bruggen, who operates a Timber Frame construction company.
Here is a clip from the next episode with Adam Drewes: