Trent Hendricks is owner/operator of Cabriejo Ranch which he runs with his wife and a whole passel of kids (you won’t believe how many!). They raise grassfed cattle and sheep in more than just a sustainable manner, but in a Holistically Managed Regenerative model.
Trent has a huge focus on “Regeneration” which seems to be at the core of everything he does. We definitely discuss the topic of “Regeneration” throughout this recording, including what exactly this means in practice.
Trent is Vice President on the Board of Directors for the AMERICAN GRASSFED ASSOCIATION. As part of the AGA he is also involved with the BUSINESS & FINANCE committee, GRASSFED STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE, and the Marketing Committee.
Trent has experience as a cheesemaker, works with horses, raises AKC Anatolian Shepherds, and has the mindset to constantly learn.
Trent endeavors to apply smart scientific principles to improve the soil, increase performance, increase biodiversity, water retention and much more.
We delve into a bit about the politics of food, land, life, and more.
Of particular note is the work Trent is doing to graze land used for Solar Farming. Instead of the land being subjected to chemicals and mowing equipment, the soil is being improved and the animals are being fed. Definitely a win/win.
Trent was very informative, emphatic at times, and this was a fun meandering conversation.